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At Silver Gold Bull, our content is researched, written, edited and reviewed by a team of financial experts with decades of experience in the precious metals industry. With each piece we write, we bring our own personal experience and expertise, while combining that with today's leading research and data. Our ultimate goal is to help extend our award-winning customer service to our educational content. Ultimately, we want you to feel comfortable and informed when making investment decisions, regardless of whether that is with us or not. Thank you for being part of the Silver Gold Bull community. We really appreciate and value your trust in us.

Articles published by Silver Gold Bull Staff

Palladium or Gold: What is the Better Investment?

When people invest in precious metals, they typically buy gold or silver. This is perfectly reasonable, but it can result in missed investment opportunities. Because of recent events, though, an increasing number of people have asked whether they should invest in gold or palladium. Palladium is a silvery-white metal that wasn’t discovered until 1803. This…

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Why Preppers Should Invest in Gold and Silver

You may have heard some people referred to as “doomsday preppers,” survivalists, homesteaders or simply planners. Each of these terms signifies someone who prepares for potential disasters. If you fall into this category, it’s important that you consider adding precious metals to your stockpile. While food, water, ammo and other necessities are important, they aren’t…

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How Inflation Impacts Your Investment Portfolio and Why Precious Metals Can Help

If you’ve watched the nightly news even once in your life, you’ve likely heard the term “inflation” mentioned. It’s occasionally discussed as a looming threat, but far too often, the conversation centers on the negative effects it’s already having.  Unfortunately, inflation isn’t a vague concept that only affects certain people. It hits home for every…

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Why Investing in Silver is Smart in Good and Bad Economies

Economic fears, potential shortages, and even Reddit communities have recently driven an increased interest in silver investing. Thousands of years before these events, though, people already viewed this precious metal as a tremendous store of value. This belief still subsists. In the modern world, however, there’s much more complexity to investing in silver. After all,…

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