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Acheter des produits d'investissement en or ou en argent à Edmonton

Boutiques d'or et d'argent à Edmonton

Edmonton is the capital of the province of Alberta. Referred to as the 'gateway to the north', Edmonton supports both the oil sands operations in northern Alberta and the diamond mines of the Northwest Territories. Edmonton lies along the North Saskatchewan River at the boundary of the southern prairie and the northern forest. It is known as Canada's Festival City for hosting a strong roster of art and cultural festivals, including the Edmonton International Fringe Festival.

While many investors traditionally focus on stock market investment strategies, it is a common oversight that many forget to allocate hard precious metal assets in with their portfolios. To financial veterans, physical gold and silver have been proven to rise in value throughout market crashes, and thus offer a secure strategy for profiting off uncertain economic times.

How Could Investors Benefit from Purchasing Gold Bullion in Edmonton?

Silver & gold bullion investing is a time-tested & proven strategy used by many investors to insure their dollars store & grow value throughout economic disasters. Unfortunately, investors frequently overlook the allocation of hard bullion metals as a portion of their assets. These bullion metals have real potential to soar in value when many other stocks dry up. Without the benefits of precious metal holdings to balance a stock portfolio, the average investor is vulnerable.

Where is the Best Place to Buy Edmonton Gold Bullion?

There are a few brick & mortar stores that sell silver & gold bullion in Edmonton, but be on the watch for high premiums. Most related businesses, commonly recognizable as jewelry buyers, don’t actually offer physical silver or gold bullion for sale. We recommend conducting your own online due diligence to find the lowest prices on gold bullion in Edmonton, so you are able to secure a maximum ROI. makes it simple & easy to buy gold & to buy silver online in Edmonton. Be sure to do your own independent research and select a professional bullion dealer who is upfront & transparent regarding all fees associated with your precious metals purchase.

If you are planning on buying silver or gold bullion in Edmonton, look no further than We are a reputable, modern online resource helping Canadians buy gold in Edmonton & all across Canada. To learn more about the benefits of investing in silver & gold, visit our blog.

Local Gold and Silver Coin Shops in Edmonton

Listed below are some of Edmonton's top coin dealers. Please be advised that we share no affiliation with these companies, and as always, we recommend that you conduct your own research to ensure safe, authentic transactions when purchasing precious metals.

West Edmonton Coin and Stamp

West Edmonton Coin and Stamp offre une large gamme d’articles de collection, y compris des souvenirs reliés aux sports, aux jeux et aux figurines, ainsi que des timbres souvenirs et une sélection de pièces commémoratives en or et en argent de haute qualité. Distributeur officiel de la Monnaie royale canadienne, la boutique vend des pièces individuelles ainsi que des séries commémoratives, dont plusieurs sont offertes avec une remise importante sur la valeur annoncée. La boutique est ouverte du lundi au samedi de 10 h à 21 h et le dimanche de 11 h à 18 h. Les commandes et les demandes peuvent être effectuées par télécopieur, téléphone ou courriel.

#1390 8882-170th Street NW
West Edmonton Mall
Edmonton AB T5T 4J2

Northgate Stamp and Coin

Marchand de pièces de collection, de timbres et d'antiquités, Northgate répond aux besoins de la communauté numismatique et antiquaire d'Edmonton en offrant l’un des stocks les plus diversifiés en ville. Northgate ne se spécialise pas uniquement en pièces rares, anciennes et commémoratives mais aussi en pièces et en ensembles de la Monnaie royale canadienne qui intéressent à la fois les collectionneurs et les investisseurs. La boutique offre non seulement des pièces de collection, mais aussi des accessoires pour collection de pièces et la connaissances experte de son personnel pour aider quiconque à enrichir sa collection.

12516 118 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB
T5L 2K6

Aaron Buys Gold

Du côté est d’Edmonton, Aaron Buys Gold échange de l’or et de l’argent peu importe leur état pour de l'argent comptant. Accrédité par le Better Business Bureau, Aaron accepte les visites sans rendez-vous pour les ventes et les évaluations pendant les heures ouvrables, du lundi au samedi. Aaron Buys Gold est aussi un vendeur d’investissements en métaux précieux, vendant des feuilles d’érable canadiennes d'or et d'argent et une gamme de lingots, de plaquettes et de produits d'investissement en platine.

947 Ordze Rd
Sherwood Park, Alberta