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Resilience and community: Keeping the memory of Hogan’s Alley alive.

For half a century, it was known to outsiders for its good food and great music, but to its residents, Hogan’s Alley represented community, a place where entrepreneurial spirit and civil activism were woven into the fabric of life.

Vancouver’s first Black community, Hogan’s Alley flourished in the early 20th century when it was home to many Black porters who, through their unions, would later fight to gain recognition for Black Canadians within the labour movement. Women also played a central role in this community, many emerging as prominent organizers and entrepreneurs, operating restaurants and speakeasies that became not only local favourites, but cultural institutions that cemented the area’s reputation as a vibrant hub. Sadly, the community was lost in the 1960s when despite protests and resistance, the city began levelling it in the name of urban renewal—a devastating blow to its residents. The displacement and erasure of the Black community in Hogan’s Alley have had long-lasting effects.

Gone but not forgotten, Hogan’s Alley, its rich cultural mosaic, and the many contributions made by its residents—workers and activists, artists and athletes, business owners and community builders—are honoured on this 2025 Commemorating Black History coin.

Keep its spirit alive: Bring the story of Hogan’s Alley into your collection.


  • Remembering the community of Hogan’s Alley. Crafted in 1 oz. of 99.99% pure silver, this coin brings you the story of Hogan’s Alley, Vancouver’s first Black community and a cultural hub that thrived until its demolition in the 1960s.
  • A glimpse of the past. This is the first time Hogan’s Alley has been highlighted on a Royal Canadian Mint coin, and every engraved detail on the coin’s reverse has special meaning.
  • Commemorating Black history. This is the seventh coin in the annual Commemorating Black History series, which honours the enormous contributions that Black Canadians have made—and continue to make—to Canada’s story. It is an inspiring celebration of resilience, community, innovation and determination.
  • Low mintage. Only 5,000 coins available to collectors worldwide.
  • Un certificat numéroté inclus. La Monnaie royale canadienne garantit l'authenticité de toutes ses pièces de collection.
  • Aucune TPS NI TVH


La pièce est encapsulée et présentée dans un boîtier à double coque noir orné du logo de la Monnaie royale canadienne, assorti d’une boîte protectrice noire.


The reverse design consists of multiple vignettes that help tell the story of Hogan’s Alley, a once-bustling hub of Black culture in Vancouver.


As with previous Commemorating Black History coins, the 2025 edition features a maple leaf pattern on its obverse.


Nora Hendrix, grandmother of guitar legend Jimi Hendrix, lived in Hogan’s Alley, where she co-founded Vancouver’s first Black church, the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Fountain Chapel, in 1918. She later worked as a cook at Vie’s Chicken and Steak House, the most famous of the area’s chicken house restaurants that attracted locals and touring celebrities

The reverse design by Canadian artist Kwame Delfish represents the spirit of Hogan’s Alley, Vancouver’s first Black community and a once-thriving cultural hub during the 20th century. While British Columbia’s provincial flower, the Pacific Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), lies at the centre, the surrounding images reflect the character and vibrancy of the neighbourhood (starting at the one o’clock position and moving clockwise): a cook at one of the women-owned chicken house restaurants; a Black railway sleeping car porter; a choir representing the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Fountain Chapel, Vancouver’s first Black church; and two different types of dancers, as well as a pianist, saxophonist and singer, all representing the incredible talent that was regularly on display in the community’s nightclubs and speakeasies. The obverse features a maple leaf pattern and the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III by Canadian artist Steven Rosati.


La Monnaie royale canadienne est connue pour être l'une des monnaies les plus réputées au monde. La succursale d'Ottawa de la Monnaie royale a ouvert ses portes en 1908 et a été rebaptisée Monnaie royale canadienne en 1931 lorsque le contrôle a été transféré au gouvernement canadien. Ses normes élevées d'excellence et de qualité lui ont permis d'être la première raffinerie à fabriquer des pièces d'investissement en or d'une pureté de 9999 en 1982, ainsi que la première à atteindre une pureté d'or de 99999 en 1998.

Monnaie royale canadienne
CAD 20
Steven Rosati (obverse) Kwame Delfish (reverse)
1 once