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Détails du produit


The 1 oz 2015 Slave Police Silver Round, part of the Silver Shield Collection, offers a provocative commentary on modern policing and societal control. This round is designed to challenge perceptions and encourage reflection on the evolving role of law enforcement in contemporary society.

Procurez-vous la vôtre dès aujourd'hui !


  • Expédiée individuellement dans un emballage de protection
  • Consisting of 1 oz of .999 fine silver
  • Obverse: Features three skeletonized police officers in full riot gear, brandishing batons. The skeletal imagery symbolizes the dehumanization of law enforcement as instruments of state control. The inscription "To Brutalize and Exploit" replaces the traditional police motto, underscoring the round's critical perspective.
  • Reverse: Features the Silver Shield logo with the trivium at its center, encircled by the words "Silver Shield 1 Troy Ounce 2015 999 Pure AG," and surrounded by 47 bullets, representing silver's atomic number.

This round serves as a thought-provoking piece, inviting discourse on authority and individual freedoms. Each round is meticulously crafted to ensure both its message and quality resonate with collectors and investors alike.


The Silver Shield Collection, founded by Chris Duane, offers a series of silver rounds that challenge conventional narratives and promote individual awareness. Each release combines meaningful symbolism with high-quality craftsmanship, encouraging collectors to reflect on societal themes and personal empowerment.

In multiples of 20 this round will ship in a mint tube. The views expressed by this round do not necessarily reflect the views of our company. We do, however, feel that free speech and the ability to express opposing views is at the heart of our democracy.

Légèrement usé
Silver Shield
Trois policiers devenus squelettes en tenue anti émeute, armés des bâtons, et la mention « To Brutalize and Exploit » (Brutaliser et exploiter)
Le logo Silver Shield révisé, le trivium au centre, et autour, la mention « Silver Shield 1 Troy Ounce 2015 .999 Pure AG » entourée de 47 balles
1 once